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TUhjnbcbe - 2020/7/12 10:38:00


[摘要] 目的 观察经纤维支气管镜吸痰治疗重症肺部感染的临床效果。 方法 选取2012年5月~2014年12月本院收治的80例重症肺部感染患者,将其随机分为常规吸痰组和纤支镜吸痰组,每组40例。常规吸痰组患者接受常规吸痰处理,纤支镜吸痰组患者接受经纤维支气管镜吸痰处理。比较两组患者的病死率、治疗效果、临床症状改善时间和住院时间。 结果 纤支镜吸痰组的病死率显著低于常规吸痰组,治疗总有效率显著高于常规吸痰组,临床症状改善时间和住院时间显著短于常规吸痰组,差异有统计学意义(P中国论文

[关键词] 纤维支气管镜;吸痰;重症肺部感染

[中图分类号] R563 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] (2015)09(b)-

Clinical effect of bronchofiberscopic sputum aspiration in treatment of severe pulmonary infection

FENG Tang-song

The Third People′s Hospital of Jingdezhen City in Jiangxi Province,Jingdezhen 333000,China

[Abstract] Objective To observe the clinical effect of bronchofiberscopic sputum aspiration in the treatment of severe pulmonary infection. Methods 80 patients with severe pulmonary infection admitted into our hospital from May 2012 and December 2014 were selected and divided into the conventional group and the bronchofiberscopic sputum aspiration group in random,40 cases in each e conventional sputum aspiration group was given conventional sputum aspiration treatment,the bronchofiberscopic sputum aspiration group was given bronchofiberscopic sputum aspiration e case fatality rate,treatment effect,clinical symptom improvement time and hospital stay in two groups were compared. Results The case fatality rate in bronchofiberscopic sputum aspiration group was significantly lower than that of conventional sputum aspiration group,the total treatment effect in bronchofiberscopic sputum aspiration group was significantly higher than that of conventional sputum aspiration group,the clinical symptom improvement time and hospital stay in bronchofiberscopic sputum aspiration group was significantly shorter than those of conventional sputum aspiration group,the differences were significant(P0.05),具有可比性。

1.2 方法


纤支镜吸痰组患者接受经纤维支气管镜吸痰处理,具体措施如下:先用2%利卡因进行鼻腔和口咽部黏膜的麻醉,然后将纤维支气管镜经由鼻腔插入,将气管和支气管分泌物吸取出来,对于血凝块以及痰栓等难以吸出的物体,可以先用钳夹,再用小剂量生理盐水进行充分灌洗,一直到清除为止,同时对支气管以及气管中的情况进行检查;在支气管-肺泡灌洗时提取灌洗液进行培养,并开展药敏试验;手术过程中需要对患者血压、血氧饱和度和心率等进行监测,若患者痰栓程度严重,可以先用5~10 ml生理盐水对肺泡进行反复灌洗,在手术结束后给予患者抗生素治疗,抗生素的选择根据药敏培养结果而定,以更好控制感染症状[3]。

1.3 观察指标

对比分析两组患者的病死率、治疗效果、临床症状改善时间和住院时间的差异。根据患者治疗后主要症状的改善情况等对其治疗效果进行评价,以患者治疗后72 h内为准。主要临床症状和体征基本消失,且排痰效果优秀为痊愈;主要临床症状和体征显著改善,且排痰效果练好为显效;主要临床症状和体征改善不明显,甚至出现咳嗽加重,咳痰量增加的情况为无效。总有效=痊愈+显效[4]。

1.4 统计学方法

采用SPSS 18.0统计学软件进行数据分析,计量资料以x±s表示,采用t检验,计数资料以率表示,采用卡方检验,以P

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